Thursday September 3rd Update!

     Hi everyone, just I just wanted to post an update. The first post in the Regimental series should be up by Sunday, September 6th. 

    I will be covering the 1st Michigan Infantry, both briefly the 3 months regiment and more in depth with the 3 year regiment. It will be followed by the 1st Virginia Infantry.

    Classes have started for me and I am working to better my employment situation, which means that this has been just a small portion of a busy fall schedule. The research that is going into this project is extensive, perhaps more extensive than it should be, but I do believe it's important to get the facts straight and to understand the topic that I'm writing about as fully as possible. As such, I will plan on a schedule of posting every Sunday for the foreseeable future.

    I appreciate immensely everyone who reads this and plans on reading this series in the future. I have no idea where this will go; it really is a passion project with no concrete goals aside from sharing what I know and what I will be learning as a result of this project. 

Look for a new post Sunday, September 6th.

C. Keinath



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